Our current network figures on CORONA findings from 19.11.2020; 10:00

It is time again, we can now present the current network figures for CORONA findings.
The last figures of the CVN-report were made available to you two weeks ago.
During these two weeks considerably more test results were entered into our database.
The following are the current figures and the rates of increase compared to the report of 03.11.2020.

The current figures from the Clinical Virology Net from 19.11.2020, 10:00 am

Number of patients tested:1,269,864
Number of samples tested:1,269,821
Number of positive findings:46,141

In comparison to the figures of 03.11.2020, the following can be noted:

210,272patients tested 
209,167samples analyzed
  17,136positive findings


At no time since data collection in the CVN has there been as many patients tested as in the past two weeks.
The number of tests has more than doubled and it should be noted that the previous period of observation was longer and included three weeks!
The clearly strong increase of the positive findings is striking, they have more than tripled.
About 6 % of the tests were positive in the previous observation period, currently about 8.15 % of the tested samples have a positive corona result.

Supported by MEDEORA.DE

Stand 19.11.2020